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Quilter marketing agreement

How to market yourself

As a Quilter financial adviser, you have a marketing team here to help you grow your business.

This toolkit provides all the marketing material you need, including ideas and support for regular marketing campaigns and financial promotions - freeing you up to spend more time focusing on your clients.

Often, we’re already doing the work, so you don’t have to.

Benefiting from the Quilter brand

Quilter is a FTSE 250 company and a well-known brand. We continue to invest in and carefully manage the Quilter and Quilter Financial Advisers brands, which helps you to build your business when speaking to prospects or clients.

To manage the brand, our Quilter marketing team are responsible for marketing across the business. As a central team, we cover:

What this means for you, as a Quilter financial adviser

As a Quilter financial adviser, you’re part of a leading financial advice brand and you have the support of our marketing experts.

This means that some marketing activities can only be managed by Quilter centrally. These are:

Email campaigns

These are delivered using the Quilter email systems to ensure any email campaigns follow GDPR.

  • The Marketing Toolkit provides regular email content in the ‘monthly marketing campaigns’, ‘generate leads’ and ‘develop clients’ sections. This content can be sent using Xplan and IO to clients and prospects that you have marketing permissions for.

Marketing agencies

Quilter marketing content is created and managed centrally.

Quilter advisers should not work with marketing agencies to create their own content. These marketing agencies don't have the permissions to use the Quilter brand or create content for the business. They do not provide services which are promoted by Quilter and anything they create won't be approved.

  • The Marketing Toolkit provides you with the marketing tools you need to generate and convert leads, as well as develop clients. If you think anything needs to be added, please let us know using the enquiry form.

Paid digital and social campaigns

We run these often and need to ensure that Quilter and Quilter Financial Advisers are promoted consistently on these channels.

As you are trading under the brand you won’t be able to run your own paid social media or pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. This is also because digital and social media platforms usually require you to provide an FCA number which is used by Quilter at group level for campaigns.

  • The Marketing Toolkit helps you to run organic campaigns on your social media using your monthly marketing campaigns content and your pre-approved posts.


Any sponsorships are managed by Quilter to increase brand awareness.

This will benefit Quilter Financial Advisers in the same way as any brand campaigns, increasing awareness and trust with the Quilter brand.

As a Quilter financial adviser you can't agree to any sponsorships.

  • The Marketing Toolkit provides you will the tools you need to promote your services.


We want to help you be on brand and supported by IT security. To build trust with customers we manage one website. This has the latest and approved information from the business. As a Quilter financial adviser you aren’t able to set up and run your own independent website.

What if I have an idea for a new marketing item?

We aren’t able to create marketing items that are classed as financial promotions for individual advisers. However, we’re regularly updating the Marketing Toolkit with new ready-to-use content.

If you have a new idea for a marketing item you think advisers could benefit from, please let us know what you think would be a great addition by submitting your idea with this form.

Any ideas are appreciated and help us to ensure you have the marketing tools you need.