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Improve your SEO with a Google Business Profile

A Google Business Profile is a great way to help ensure you rank on local searches for financial advice in your area alongside your adviser profile on

Here’s some guidance on how to create your Google Business Profile:

  • google-business-profile.pngYou will need a Google account to get started. This could be already setup with a personal email address, but you can include your email on your business profile (if you choose to), so any requests from potential clients go there.
  • You can either enter your specific address to be displayed on your profile, or you can list your business as a ‘service’, which means your address won’t be shown on your profile. If you list as a service you’ll be asked to set the broader location(s) that you cover.
  • The more specific you are on your location the more likely it is that your profile will appear in results for location specific searches for that area.
  • Always use your adviser profile for the web address.
  • Reference QFA and any regulatory wording in your profile.
  • Send your Google Business Profile to for Financial Promotions to approve before publishing it.

Top Tips

  1. Include a good quality photo of yourself – this usually increases conversions from your profile.
  2. Be clear on the areas you’re servicing – this helps your profile show only for relevant searches.
  3. Keep your opening hours up to date.
  4. Monitor your reviews. Should you receive negative reviews, please email to discuss how to respond.
  5. Answer any questions you might get asked on your profile and contact if you need any information to reply.

We can’t offer any personalised advice on how to set up your profile and get it verified by Google.
However, we recommend these resources to help you:

When setting up your Google Business Profile, you must not:

  • Use a Quilter office address. You should use your own address, and Google will request you verify this.
  • Set up your profile as ‘Quilter Financial Advisers’. The Quilter digital team manage any Quilter Financial Advisers accounts. Your ‘Google Business Profile’ should be ‘Your Name at Quilter Financial Advisers’ or ‘Your Name Financial Adviser’.