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Social media post for week one of the Pension Awareness campaign

Pensions campaign week 1 social post

Your week one social media post for the pensions campaign.


  • Show people how your expert financial advice can help them plan for their retirement.
  • Helps to generate leads and drive traffic to your adviser profile.
  • Pre-approved and ready to share on your social channels.

How to use

  • Click 'Download' below to download the social media graphic.
  • Copy the social media post wording in the 'Social media wording' tab.
  • Upload the graphic to your social media accounts and paste in the social media post wording relevant to the platform you are posting on, adding in the link to your adviser bio where needed.

Use this to

This social media post has been pre-approved by Financial Promotions and should not be altered.
If posting to Instagram, ensure your Instagram bio contains the link to your adviser profile.
If posting to Facebook & LinkedIn, include the link to your adviser profile in the post copy.
The average UK worker has £28,000 in unclaimed pension pots. Speak to me if you think you need help tracking down part of your pension.
You can get in touch via my adviser profile: Insert link e.g. or if posting to Instagram: Link in bio.
*Pension Tracing services are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
Approver Quilter Financial Services Limited & Quilter Mortgage Planning Limited. June 2024.
#SavingsGoal #PensionPot #RetirementSavings