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Pensions campaign animated social post

A bonus animated social media post for the pensions campaign.


  • Show people how your expert financial advice can help them plan for their retirement.
  • Helps to generate leads and drive traffic to your adviser profile.
  • Pre-approved and ready to share on your social channels.

How to use

  • Click 'Download' below to open the animated social post.
  • Click the more options icon at the bottom right of the video screen and select download.
  • Copy the social media post wording in the 'Social media wording' tab.
  • Upload the graphic to your social media accounts and paste in the social media post wording.

Use this to

This social media post has been pre-approved by Financial Promotions and should not be altered.
If posting to Instagram, ensure your Instagram bio contains the link to your adviser profile.
If posting to Facebook & LinkedIn, include the link to your adviser profile in the post copy.
Is your pension working as hard as you need it to? A review can check if you’re investing your pot(s) in the right place for your goals.
Reach out to me about your review: Insert link e.g. or if posting to Instagram: Link in bio.
*The value of pensions and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.
Approver Quilter Financial Services Limited & Quilter Mortgage Planning Limited. June 2024.
#RetirementPlan #InvestingMoney #FinancialAdvisers