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Marketing tips

How to get started

Although all the marketing materials are designed to work together, different materials are better at doing different jobs. So, the first step is thinking about what you want your marketing campaign to achieve.

Do you want to…

Generate leads for your business?

Convert leads into clients?

Develop current clients or get referrals?

Your goals will often depend on how established your business is. For example, if you’re just starting out as a Quilter adviser, generating new leads will be your first priority.

Or, if you have lots of clients already, you might be more focused on deepening your relationships with existing clients.

Making social media work for you

Social media is a really effective way to:

  • Make a name for yourself
  • Find people with shared interests or from a particular community
  • Show your more ‘human’ side by sharing posts that aren’t financial promotions about your everyday life, as well as interesting marketing materials.

Did you know?

60% of business-to-consumer companies get their customers through social media.

Want to know more?

Take a look at our social media guide.

Introducing social media

Getting the most out of email

You’ll already know email is incredibly useful for keeping in contact. But it’s also a great way to share marketing content and information in a more personal way.

Just make sure you have the required marketing permissions in IO or Xplan, and don’t spam contacts, which will put them off.

Did you know?

87% of brands say that email marketing is very critical to business success.
(Source: Litmus, 2023)


  • Consider who to send your email to, and whether they’ll find the theme useful
  • Keep an accurate record of your email marketing, responses and results
  • Send people a prompt, personalised reply if they respond to your email
  • Make sure you’re following GDPR guidance, have permission to contact people and manage any email marketing using IO or Xplan


  • Bombard people with the same email multiple times
  • Call people repeatedly to check they received the email
  • Contact people if they’ve asked you not to

The best way to use direct mail

Direct mail is just another way to talk about physical things you send in the post, like a letter. In our electronic age, it can be nice to get something ‘real’ for a change – as long as it’s not seen as junk mail.

This more personal touch can make it great at converting leads, and a good tool to support the other materials in the monthly campaign.

Did you know?

56% of consumers have purchased after receiving advertising mail. Warm mailings, where the lead has already shown some level of interest, perform best. 38% of consumers have bought from warm mailings at some point.
(Source: Central Mailing)

Tip: Only mail people once a month or less and let them respond in their own time rather than mailing or calling them repeatedly.

Using your adviser profile for maximum impact

This is your shop window. It’s where people can get to know you professionally and will often make the decision about whether to get in touch. So please check it has your latest information.

Other Quilter advisers are generating leads every month, which are passed directly to them as ‘self-generated’ leads.

The power of a picture

It’s always best to use a professional photo rather than a selfie. Your picture doesn’t necessarily have to be super formal though, you can keep things friendly.

Felicity Anderson profile

How the landing page content on your adviser profile helps

This will ensure that anyone who clicks on a social post, email, or reads a letter from you finds useful information related to that month’s theme. This should pique their interest, and encourage them to take the final step of getting in touch with you.

Want to know more? Take a look at how to set up your adviser profile.

Keeping your marketing FCA compliant

There are strict rules around financial promotions and marketing from the FCA.

Fortunately, all the materials in your ready-made monthly marketing campaigns are written by marketing experts and have been pre-approved and checked by financial promotions.

That’s why you should not change any of the materials we provide you, to make sure you don’t fall foul of any regulations.

Want to know more about FCA marketing rules? Find more in-depth details on the Extranet.